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Current TUALP Research







Modeling of Artificial Lift Integration in Production System

PI: Holden Zhang, TUALP Director


• Oil/water/gas flow modeling in wells and pipelines
• Artificial lift performance prediction under different flow conditions
• Development of artificial lift analyzing tool


Oil, water and gas may be produced simultaneously with different combinations. The multiphase flow behavior needs to be predicted for production system design. The multiphase flow conditions are also required for the selection of suitable artificial lift method. The objective of this study is to develop an artificial lift analyzing tool for the prediction of flow behavior during production and transportation of gas, oil and water through wells and pipelines at different inclination angles (-90° to 90° from horizontal) based on Zhang et al. (2003, 2006) unified model. Different artificial lift methods can be evaluated with the local multiphase flow conditions (pressure, temperature, flow pattern, etc.). Their performances can be analyzed through integration with the production system.

 Comments are welcome

Last updated October 07, 2013